Market Research Jokes
Everyone likes jokes, right? Even market research nerds like jokes.
I’ve racked my brain and scoured the internet to bring you the very best and worst jokes about market research.

Here’s how it works: Read the question. Click the question. Laugh.
Why did the data analyst break up with the market researcher?
They couldn’t correlate their interests.

What’s the camera guy’s favorite research instrument?
The focus group.

How do statisticians solve their constipation problems?
They work it out with a pencil.

Why don’t girls like most average men?
Because they are mean.

What’s the difference between market research and marketing research?
ing. (dumb joke, OK, but you can get a serious answer here)

What’s a statistician’s favorite astronomical event?

What do you think about using a 5-point scale in your survey?
Really Likert
Neither Likert no dislikert
Really Dislikert

What does a baby computer call its father?

What type of chart do police officers prefer?
The donut chart

This post is continually updated with new jokes related to market research, statistics and marketing. Come back for more laughs later.
What jokes are we missing?
Add your own in the comments below. ?